“Alan Brodie’s lighting… casts an incandescent flush over the proceedings.” Michael Harris, Globe and Mail
“But a special kind of magic sprang from the talents of everyone on the stage, so that what could have been an
interminable and bum-numbing three hours in a dark room became a breathless gem of a moment that, like a bedtime story read to a child who isn’t yet sleepy, ended far too soon.” Steven Schelling, WestEnder
Into the Woods
Patrick Street Productions, Vancouver East Cultural Centre 2008
Director: Peter Jorgensen
Musical Director: Scott Knight
Set Design: Marti Wright
Costume Designer: Barbara Clayden
Lighting Designer: Alan Brodie
Mask: Melody Anderson
Sound Design: Jim Preston
Cast: Patti Allan, Robert Clarke, David Dimapilis, Zena Driver, David Hurwitz, Megan Morrison, Ingrid Nilson, Linda Quibell, Ryan Reid, Jennifer Toulmin, Lisa Waines, Simon Webb, Jonathan Winsby, Katey Wright, Melissa Young
Stage Management: Anne Taylor, Meaghan Gough
Photos by David Cooper Photography